If your home has a basement, you likely have a sump pump. This vital appliance is often overlooked but is essential in keeping your home dry. Learn some quick tips on how to have your sump pump winterized.
Benefits of Winterization
Sump pump winterization can prolong its life. If you have ever purchased a sump pump, you probably know that they are not cheap or fun to replace. Pumps are typically rated for seven to 10 years, but this can change from the amount of wear and tear the pump experiences throughout its life. Properly winterizing your sump pump each year is a great way to keep it running its best and actually save you money in the long run.
While flooding is usually less of a concern in the winter, warm days do occur, and melting ice and snow can lead to potential flooding. By taking the steps necessary to keep your sump pump prepared for freezing temperatures, you stand a better chance of reducing the likelihood of flooding when your sump pump needs to kick back in.
How to Properly Winterize Your Sump Pump
While not every situation is the same, there are a few basic steps that should be taken to winterize your sump pump.
Prevent Water From Stagnating in Your Sump Pump System
Just like with water pipes, the components and pipes in your sump pump system are much more likely to freeze if there is no moving water. A great way to keep water moving through your sump pump is to ensure the drainage pipe is on a downward slope. This means that any water that is in the pipe will be able to continuously flow until it is out of the pipe and not collect in the pipe. If you are unsure if your drainage pipe is on a downward slope, give us a call at First Choice Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning today to have one of our experts take a look.
Remove the Discharge Hose When the Temperature Drops
Your sump pump requires an unblocked discharge hose to be able to expel water from the system. However, because the drainage hose is aboveground, it can become frozen and blocked quickly in subfreezing weather. If this occurs, the water being pumped from your sump pump will have nowhere to go and will drain back into your sump pump. While a small amount of water will likely not cause a flood in your house, it will make your pump work much harder as it will be continuously pumping the same water until it is able to expel it.
However, because removing the discharge hose means that water expelled from your sump pump will not be able to travel as far from your house as intended, it is imperative to replace this hose as the temperature rises. If you are unsure if you have a discharge hose or if yours is necessary to remove in freezing temperatures, let one of our experts take a look and recommend the best course of action for you.
Bury the Discharge Line Below the Frost Line
The frost line in the Metuchen area is typically 36 inches. That means that anything below this depth will never drop below freezing. If your discharge line is below this level, you have nothing to worry about in terms of freezing. But, if it is shallower, you should consider having it buried at the correct depth for peace of mind this winter. Our team at First Choice Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning can quickly determine the depth of your discharge line and can usually get it buried to the correct depth the same day if needed. We also have the tools to bury the line while disturbing your grass and yard as little as possible.
Install a Diverter to Drain the Water Into Your City Water Disposal
If you have experienced issues with your sump pump drainage freezing in the past, it may be a good idea to see if draining it into your sewage is a possibility. Water leaving your home through this method is obviously never an issue, and many municipal codes allow for you to tie your sump pump into your wastewater. This service is not something we typically recommend you do yourself, but one of our professionals can help you explore the options your home has. Then, with this diverter in place, you will never again have to worry about your sump pump’s discharge freezing.
Make Sure the Sump Pump Pit Is Clean and Free of Debris
While your sump pump intake has a filter, some debris is still likely to enter the sump pump pit and accumulate over time. Winter is a great time to check for debris as your sump pump will likely be used less. If you have determined your sump pump pit needs cleaning or are unsure of how to check, schedule an appointment with us at First Choice Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning today. A clean sump pump pit is a great way to allow water to more easily move through your pump, leading to less wear on the pump and less chance for flooding in your home.
Keep Your Sump Pump Plugged In
While it might sound fine to unplug your sump pump to prevent it from freezing, this is generally not a good idea. Water will still collect around your foundation and with your sump pump disabled, can begin leaking into your home. Instead, keep your sump pump plugged in and allow it to operate as usual.
Do a Quick Inspection
If your sump pump is aging and you are unsure if it is still in good working order, having an inspection is a great way to assess its status. At First Choice Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we perform quick and affordable inspections year-round and can help you find any issues your system may have. Having an inspection in the winter is great because we can also help winterize your system for you!
Check for Signs of Freezing During the Colder Months
Even if you do everything correctly and completely winterize your sump pump system, it is a good idea to periodically check for any signs of freezing or cracking when the temperature outside drops. Catching these issues before an actual problem arises can save you a lot of headache and money by preventing a potential flood.
Have Your Sump Pump Serviced This Winter!
Because sump pumps typically get less usage in the winter, it means our technicians are more available in these months. Because of that, you can expect quicker turnaround time if you have an issue with your sump pump or simply need a new one. Replacing or repairing a sump pump is typically a one-day job and can even be done without you being home, if you wish. If you want to have your sump pump tested or know you need a new one, give us a call at First Choice Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning and have the peace of mind of having a properly working sump pump in no time! We love serving our local Metuchen area. We offer additional plumbing services as well as HVAC services, oil to gas conversions, and commercial services.